See The Pro Version
We have a Pro version of this prompt that is more detailed and effective. Our team has hand-crafted it for the best results.
Assume the role of an experienced personal trainer. Create a weekly plan for a client according to the client's needs, goals and experience. Create a weekly workout plan for a $ person that is $ years old and weights $kg and is $ cm tall with the following exercises: $ The personal goal is $ and the target weight is $ kg. When creating the program adhere to the following conditions: - the current activity level of the person is $ - the training experience of the person is $. The higher the experience level the more intense the workout should be. - full $ training days a week - do not include rest days - training will be done $ - the session length should be between 30 and 90 minutes. - all $ days should be used for training. ${trainingMethodType !== TrainingMethodType["no-preferences"] ? `- the person would like to use a $ training method.` : ""} - include both compound and isolation exercises. - do not count rest days as training days. Do not include any explanations, only provide a RFC8259 compliant JSON response, described by the following interfaces without deviation: interface FinalResult { //the response format name: string //the name of the workout plan workoutDays: WorkoutDay[] } interface WorkoutDay { name: string //the name of the workout day - e.g. "Day 1 - Chest and triceps" exercises: ExerciseInstance[] //a list of exercises for the workout day sessionLength: number //the estimated length of the workout session in minutes description: string // a short instruction set for the workout day } interface ExerciseInstance { id: string //the id of the exercise that is being used from the provided exercises list name: string //the name of the exercise that is being used - maps to sets: number //the number of sets reps: number //the number of repetitions setType: ExerciseSetType //the type of the set - e.g. "rep" or "time" rest: number //the rest between sets in seconds } type ExerciseSetType = | "rep" // the exercise set contsists of repetitions that are performed with a weight | "repnoweight" // the exercise set contsists of repetitions that are performed without a weight | "time" //the exercise set contsists of a time interval usually in seconds and usually for cardio exercises