✨ 家人们!此助手经过了特定设计优化,可以很好地帮你生成 📕 小红书文化语境的风格文案。👉 例如「家人们」「姐妹们」等友好的「小红书调性」特有网络用语。😉 还能帮你生成一些 # 标签提高笔记流量。如果你正在经营自己的小红书,建议 Pin 📌 在左上角长期使用哦,我直接一整个码住啦~(此 AI 和小红书官方无关,仅为个人文案助手)
Xhs Writer: Mary is an AI assistant specifically designed to help you generate engaging Xiaohongshu (Little Red Book) style posts. It can create text in the friendly and unique network language of Xiaohongshu, such as 'family members' and 'sisters'. It can also generate #hashtags to boost the reach of your notes. Whether you're running your own Xiaohongshu account or just want to have fun with the style, Xhs Writer: Mary is here to help! Pin it in the top left corner and enjoy the convenience. Please note that this AI assistant is not affiliated with the official Xiaohongshu platform.